as indicated
1:1 therapy sessions
I offer a compassionate therapeutic space grounded in process-oriented psychology and humanistic therapy, with a focus on phenomenological ways of being and creativity.
My approach is collaborative, intuitive, and deeply personal, designed to feed spiritual passion, honour sacred pain, and lay open the blooded heart to the exquisite mystery of this life.
90 minute online sessions offered
The work as offering
I offer to close the loop with you.
I offer this space and presence to support you to return
Return, home to the truest self.
I offer this safe heart, safe ears.
We can be in the river together, and trust all things to flow.
When you bring what is real, and alive for you - I am gifted the radiance of your spirit.
The raw beauty of your pain is exquisite to me.
I don’t know what will come of this sitting together.
We call it work, but it is only hard work to sit in not-knowing.
It is sweaty work to be honest, and more honest again.
To turn towards instead of away.
To be in medicine field that has no language.
That’s the hard work — getting out of the way.
Healing itself is a Grace, it will arrive in mystic time, miraculous ways.
Once the mark is on your door, it seeks you.
I don’t hold anything. I practice staying open to the medicine, listening with deep democracy to the whole being who sits with me.
Past, present, future selves in collaboration. The Seen and Unseen always speaking.
Often, unknown or emergent qualities and processes are very close when we sit like this, they flirt with us. I want to meet them…
A portion of every session fee contributes to community initiatives.
I’m grateful to be able to offer support to the loving works of the following organisations